Data Science Graduate

Full time

Employment Information

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This role has been designated as ‘Edge’, which means you will primarily work outside of an HPE office.

Who We Are

Hewlett Packard Enterprise is the global edge-to-cloud company advancing the way people live and work. We help companies connect, protect, analyze, and act on their data and applications wherever they live, from edge to cloud, so they can turn insights into outcomes at the speed required to thrive in today’s complex world. Our culture thrives on finding new and better ways to accelerate what’s next. We know diverse backgrounds are valued and succeed here. We have the flexibility to manage our work and personal needs. We make bold moves, together, and are a force for good. If you are looking to stretch and grow your career our culture will embrace you. Open up opportunities with HPE.

Job Description:

Who We Are:

At HPE, our team members search beyond customers' needs today to accelerate what’s next and make a difference — for others, our company, and the planet. Our customers turn to us because we are positive, empathetic, and enterprising. We embrace opportunities to accelerate this transformation across data, connectivity, cloud, and security. And together we make what was once thought impossible, possible.

That’s why we not only give you the space to grow into the professional you want to be, but we also embrace who you are and where you come from. We also value the flexibility and autonomy to balance work and personal needs in a way that works best for you.

A career as a Data Science Grad allows you the opportunity to design, develop, and apply programs, methodologies and systems based on advanced analytic models (e.g., advanced statistics, operations research, computer science, process) to transform structured and unstructured data into meaningful and actionable information insights that drive decision making.

What you’ll do:

You will participate in the analysis and validation of data sets/solutions/user experience. You will aid in the development, enhancement and maintenance of a client’s metadata based on analytic objectives. You will load data into the infrastructure and contribute to the creation of the hypothesis matrix and prepare a portion of the data for the Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)/hypotheses.

You will contribute to building models for the overall solution, validating results and performance, and selecting the model that supports the overall solution. You will support the research, identification, and delivery of data science solutions to problems. You will support visualization of the model’s insights, user experience and configuration tools for the analytics model.

The technology:

Analytics software (e.g., R, SAS, SPSS, Python, Cplex) and other data programming languages


San Jose, CA Roseville, CA Fort Collins, CO Bloomington, MN Houston, TX Alpharetta, GA Andover, MA Durham, NC Chippewa Falls, WI

What you’ll need:

  • Bachelor’s/Master’s degree with a focus in computer science, statistics, mathematics, electrical engineering, or relevant area prior to your start date
  • Basic knowledge of data science methodologies
  • Have a working proficiency in effective use of analytics software (e.g., R, SAS, SPSS, Python, Cplex) and data programming languages.
  • You are fully comfortable working in a hybrid (virtual and face-to-face) environment.

What we’d prefer you bring:

  • Preferred GPA of 3.0 or higher
  • The drive to seek out what’s next and to deliver exceptional results
  • A collaborative, solution focused spirit and overall sense of urgency
  • The desire to embrace new ideas and fresh thinking and seek out ideas different than your own
  • Experience as an active leader on campus who strives to make a positive impact on the world
  • Comfort with working in a hybrid (virtual and face-to-face) environment
  • Exceptional communication and presentation skills and the ability to ask smart questions

At HPE, we’re:

  • Ranked 19th on Fortune’s 2022 list of 100 Best Companies to Work For
  • Ranked 7th on Newsweek’s list of America’s Most Responsible Companies 2022
  • Named a Best Place to Work for Disability Inclusion for the sixth year in row
  • Named one of the 100 Best Large Workplaces for Millennials in 2021
  • Recognized as one of the Best Companies for Multicultural Women by Seramount

Ready to take the next step? Open up opportunities with HPE.

HPE is an equal opportunity employer/Female/Minority/Individual with Disabilities/Protected Veteran Status

What We Can Offer You:

Health & Wellbeing

We strive to provide our team members and their loved ones with a comprehensive suite of benefits that supports their physical, financial and emotional wellbeing.

Personal & Professional Development

We also invest in your career because the better you are, the better we all are. We have specific programs catered to helping you reach any career goals you have — whether you want to become a knowledge expert in your field or apply your skills to another division.

Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging

We are unconditionally inclusive in the way we work and celebrate individual uniqueness. We know diverse backgrounds are valued and succeed here. We have the flexibility to manage our work and personal needs. We make bold moves, together, and are a force for good.

States with Pay Range Requirement

The expected salary/wage range for a U.S.-based hire filling this position is provided below. Actual offer may vary from this range based upon geographic location, work experience, education/training, and/or skill level. If this is a sales role, then the listed salary range reflects combined base salary and target-level sales compensation pay. If this is a non-sales role, then the listed salary range reflects base salary only. Variable incentives may also be offered. Information about employee benefits offered can be found at

Annual Salary: $56,900.00 - $130,600.00


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