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Pioneered at MIT and proven at Fortune 500 companies, Cleanlab provides the world's most popular Data-Centric AI software.

Most AI and Analytics are impaired by data issues (data entry errors, mislabeling, outliers, ambiguity, near duplicates, data drift, low-quality or unsafe content, etc); Cleanlab software helps you automatically fix them in any image/text/tabular dataset. This no-code platform can also auto-label big datasets and provide robust machine learning predictions (via models auto-trained on auto-corrected data).

What can I get from Cleanlab software?

  • Automated validation of your data sources (quality assurance for your data team). Your company's data is your competitive advantage, don't let noise dilute its value.
  • Better version of your dataset. Use the cleaned dataset produced by Cleanlab in place of your original dataset to get more reliable ML/Analytics (without any change in your existing code).
  • Better ML deployment (reduced time to deployment & more reliable predictions). Let Cleanlab automatically handle the full ML stack for you! With just a few clicks, deploy more accurate models than fine-tuned OpenAI LLMs for text data and the state-of-art for tabular/image data.

Turn raw data into reliable AI & Analytics, without all the manual data prep work.

Most of our cutting-edge research powering Cleanlab tools is published for transparency and scientific advancement: